Our goal

To guarantee high quality and effectiveness of service provided
learn more »To guarantee high quality and effectiveness of service provided
learn more »To be the BEST, by continually developing and improving our long lasting expertise
learn more »To keep our customers ALWAYS SATISFIED by providing them with
learn more »To help our clients to optimize their performance by providing
learn more »The company seeks to enhance customer satisfaction by identifying
learn more »Marine MAN Ltd is committed to creating a robust management of Health
learn more »Marine MAN Ltd prohibits the unlawful possession and handling of drugs
learn more »Marine MAN Ltd is Reputable Ship Management Company
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Marine MAN Ltd provides professional full tailor-made package which exactly meets your crew Management requirements but at very cost-effective rates
We use our best endeavors to provide, Crew Management Services in accordance with Sound Crew Management practice, to protect and promote the interests of the owners in all matters
Crew management is concerned with end-to-end management of the crew, with the objectives of finding a minimum cost seafaring crews while maintaining optimum operational efficiency and safety
learn more about crew management »Marine MAN Ltd offers a wide, complete range of technical services, marine consultancy and other maritime developments, always meeting each client’s individual needs.
Technical management includes several visits on board by the technical superintendent, dry-dockings, repairs, trouble-shooting, upgrading and modification works, monitoring latest class, flag and international rules and regulations, safe operational procedures and purchasing.
This is not limited to preventive maintenance and performance monitoring only.
learn more about technical management »Honest, responsibility and high quality
Crew Management
We use our best endeavors to provide, Ship & Crew Management Services in accordance
learn more »To guarantee high quality and effectiveness of service. Constant guarantee safe procedures
learn more »23 Teatralnaya Street, 73000, Kherson, Ukraine
T:+380552454800 F:+380552454800 M:+380504944082 M:+380675530989 M:+380939750392
CV for a seagoing career: cv@marineman.ua
For Official Inquiry Only: info@marineman.ua
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