
Our company

Marine MAN

Registered Trademark
Registered Trademark

Professional,Flexible & Reputable
Focuses on 3rd party Ship Management,Leader and Pioneer on East Europe Market

Top 10 The Biggest Crewing Company and Number One in region over the last five years reference to:

We use our best endeavors to provide, Ship & Crew Management Services in accordance with Sound Ship & Crew Management practice, to protect and promote the interests of the owners in all matters

ISO Approved by

MLC Approved by

Our awards

Our goal

To guarantee high quality and effectiveness of service provided

Constant guarantee safe procedures of main activity and fulfillment of requirements of current quality regulations

We continuously monitor our performance and constantly improve our Quality System

As a tool to achieve our goal we have implemented a system of quality management which enables us to constantly perfect the process of operation of the company and quality of rendered services

Our vision

To be the BEST, by continually developing and improving our long lasting expertise. through innovative and pioneering solutions, aiming always for

To be one step ahead in quality crew management

PERFECTION and EXCELLENCE in the ship crew management and operation of ships

Investing in people; we build hand-to-hand a world-class ship and crew management company

Our mission

To keep our customers ALWAYS SATISFIED by providing them with the HIGHEST quality, safe, environmentally friendly and economical crew management of their ships, in accordance with

THEIR NEEDS and EXPECTATIONS and in full compliance with International and National Legislation, as well as other industry standards and guidelines

Our mission statement

To help our clients to optimize their performance by providing qualified and competent seafarers

To achieve it through continual sea training to our seafarers, and with establishment of a “team-working” environment for our land based personnel

To provide our employees and our crew an engaging, safe and fulfilling career

To be a valuable member in our society

Transparency and constant growth of service value

Inimizing the principal's operational costs by increasing economies of scale through high retention rates, integrated crew management services and low ship's maintenance expenses

Long-term planning, through pools of seafarers, training and development

Personalized servicing and continuous feedback to both our clients, and our seagoing personnel

Quality management

The company seeks to enhance customer satisfaction by identifying and complying with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, establishing and internally communicating customer requirements, carefully selecting, monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators, measuring customer satisfaction and continually improving the effectiveness of its quality management system by regularly reviewing its policies, objectives and procedures and revising them as appropriate.

Quality policy

HEALTH SAFETY QUALITY and ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION POLICY Marine MAN UKRAINE is committed to creating a robust management of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) policies. We are founded on a management commitment and accountability. Safe working procedures based on fit for purpose standards and for our crew receiving the appropriate levels of training. All Marine MAN UKRAINE crewmembers comply with STCW95 regulations. It is only through diligent accountability throughout all of Marine MAN UKRAINE that our personnel and clients can feel comfortable in a job well done. The final goal is a safe return of all crewmembers to their families. Marine MAN UKRAINE is committed to the health and the safety of shipboard personnel as well as the sanctity of the environment in which our clients operate. The success of the Company’s policies in the areas of Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental Protection are achieved through our HSQEP Plan. It is designed to continuously evolve and improve through a change management process and has the following objectives: All employees are to consider the safety of human life and its protection their primary concerns.

Provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and your crew, minimizing injuries and illnesses. Provide our clients with high standard services in an environmentally safe and efficient manner. Adhere to all local, national and international rules and regulations governing the Marine Industry. Provide support to help employees comply with the code of conduct and applicable laws. Review and improve the system against industry best practices, procedures and objectives, audit results, corrective and preventive actions records. Provide vessel personnel with the resources necessary to ensure the security of the crew, environment, cargo and vessel. Ensure all employees have the appropriate training, the required skills and experience necessary to safely and effectively do their jobs. Provide a work place free of racial, sexual or religious discrimination. Provide a work place where no harassment is tolerated. Assure that complacency never becomes a factor with our shore-based and shipboard personnel. Marine MAN UKRAINE manages these processes in accordance with the requirements of all applicable standards, primarily the ISO 9001:2000 Standard.

Drugs and alcohol policy

Marine MAN Ltd prohibits the unlawful possession and handling of drugs and alcohol on board of any vessel

and on Marine MAN Ltd premises or when conducting Marine MAN Ltd business